Structured Channels for Feedback and Support
Board of Directors emphasizes feedback channels.
We want to elaborate on the Evergreen Hearts process in place for handling feedback, concerns, and incident reporting. There are 3 levels of communication available on the Contact page of and people may participate at the level that they wish. Evergreen Hearts does not publish the details of any submission, to respect the privacy of the people involved.
1) Feedback - Submissions are reviewed by the Board of Directors, each is responded to. This allows for opening up a discussion and working toward a resolution, up to and including involving a restorative justice therapist for mediation between those involved.
2) Anonymous Feedback - Submissions are reviewed by the Board of Directors and can help inform future decisions and policy making.
3) Incident Reporting - The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom handles submissions as a neutral third party, which are not seen by anyone at Evergreen Hearts. The NCSF helps with response and support, with strict confidentiality.
To anyone who has attempted to communicate through an alternative method - that information has not been shared with Evergreen Hearts (or the NCSF). It is imperative that anyone who has feedback, concerns, or incidents to report has their voice heard by utilizing the official options listed on the Contact page of It is a top value for us to handle communication from the public in a professional process.